DC Motor for pop display or display stand
Achieve higher sales and better placement with P.O.P. motion displays! Motion displays draw more attention to your product
Continual rotation has been proven to attract customers to your POS display. This is bringing a winning presentation to your target audience full circle.
Offers a compact, fun way to bring movement to your display - Multiple movement options enables you to build everything from simple waving motions to elaborate multi-positioned displays.
Continual rotation has been proven to attract customers to your POS display. This is bringing a winning presentation to your target audience full circle.
Motion was one of the first ways to differentiate displays in the marketplace and many years later it's still widely used in POP/POS advertising. Small battery packer or solar-powered or adaptor motors have been a part of many award-winning installations because motion sets an ordinary display apart from the rest. AST is an industry leader in motorized motion motor.